Sliding Scale Prices

Upholding the principle that bodywork and massage should be accessible to all, Althaea Body operates a sliding scale pricing system according to what you can afford. You will not be required to show evidence or provide any details of your financial position or any personal information in order to receive the price you choose.

This system operates on a trust basis, and it is hoped that those with the means to pay more will do so in order to allow those with fewer financial resources to access this service.

Below is the suggested pricing range. When you book your appointment, you can indicate what you wish to pay by saying, for instance, “I am (un)waged and able to pay £__ for a 60-minute session” - no further questions will be asked.

Payment is required before your session via online bank transfer. If the session is cancelled for any reason you will receive a refund. Let me know if this isn't possible and we can talk through options.


60-minute session: £30 - £60

90-minute session: £40 - £80

Unwaged/Low income

£10 – £25 per session for people who are unwaged or on a low income.

To make this service sustainable only 1 client will be taken at any time with access to this rate, for a maximum of 3 sessions. You may therefore be added to a waiting list if there is high demand for this service.

Free sessions

For people who are unwaged and have no recourse to public funds Althaea Body offers free sessions for 1 person at a time for up to 3 sessions.

You may be added to a waiting list if there is high demand for this service.

To access a free session simply state that you are unwaged and would like a free session. No further questions asked.

Gift Vouchers

If you know someone who could benefit from bodywork or would like to purchase a voucher for a gift please email me with a request.

Vouchers sliding scale:
£45 - £60 for 60min, £60 - £80 for 90min.

Pay it Forward

Althaea Body also works on a Pay it Forward basis, where people who have spare funds can support others who don’t. If you want to support one-to-one sessions for people on a low income or with no recourse to public funds and are able to donate, any amount is appreciated.


If you have non-financial access requirements please get in touch and we can discuss whether the venue I work in meets your requirements or, if not, whether a home visit is possible.

I strive to create spaces which are inviting for people who have not experienced bodywork before. Please check out the What To Expect Page or feel free to get in touch (with no commitment or pressure to follow through with a session) to talk through what might make you feel safe and cared for in accessing a session.

I am aware that to make spaces and practises genuinely inclusive and accessible is by no means a fixed process -I have a lot to learn. I strive to be engaged in an ongoing conversation and practise of being open to people's diverse needs and lived experiences in relation to feeling safe and seen in a body work session. I am dedicated to doing this work personally but am open and asking for feedback and reflection for those who feel they can contribute - contact me if anything comes to mind from exploring this website.